
These machines have a versatility that enables Clamason to produce smaller complex components with minimal material usage. The unique way that they work means the strip is fed on its side, firstly into a cutting tool, before moving on into the forming station. This is where we can have a number of cams and formers being driven in, with different timing to produce several forms simultaneously without the need to feed the material on. This can potentially eliminate the need for secondary metal pressing operations. We can also incorporate metal coining within this process before the finished part is ejected.

  • Produces several forms simultaneously
  • Can produce complex components with minimal material usage
  • State of the art Heenan & Froude / Rockwell / Bihler equipment
  • Can eliminate the need for secondary metal pressing operations
  • Metal coining can be incorporated into the process
  • A wide range of high profile, global clients

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